NHS Healthcare Science Week (13th March - Date Passed)
We have been offered a trip to the NHS blood and
transport on the 13th March for you to find out more
about the science behind the NHS blood and transport team. Health Care Science
Week is an annual week where we celebrate and raise awareness of the many
different aspects and careers within healthcare science. This is recommended for students who are very
interested in science rather than medicine/nursing/hospitals, as the focus of
the day will be on science. You will be shown around the labs and find out
more about the science behind the blood and transplant logistics. As we
will be visiting the blood and transplant team there will be references to
terminal illnesses and death.
10:00-10:30 – Welcome &
10:30-13:00 – Tour of Centre/Lab
13:00-14:00 – Lunch
14:00 -16:30 – Tour of Centre/Lab
There are only 22 places available, if you are
interested in coming along please complete the link here: https://forms.office.com/e/1Jz4Kgyvyw
by 20th January 2023.
If more than 22 people express an
interest I will be in touch to say who got a place.